Clinic Location: 4737 N. Clark Street, Ground Floor
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Contact and Clinic Hours

Appointments are available on the following days each week. Please call the landline at 773.506.8971 or email at to schedule.

Sunday: 2 – 7PM
Monday: 2 – 8PM
Tuesday: 2 – 8PM
Wednesday: 12 - 6PM
Thursday: 2 – 8PM

Some Health Issues We Treat

Entries in coma (1)


Study Demonstrates Acupuncture's Efficacy with Coma Patients

Though not routinely seen in American acupuncture clinics, working with unconscious patients, including those in a coma, is something that practitioners are taught in school and familiar with. I post the study below largely because we do frequently see brain injury, strokes and neurologic problems which respond similarly well.

A recent study, which can be read here, found that,

Acupuncture improves the time it takes to regain consciousness from a coma after a severe brain injury.