Clinic Location: 4737 N. Clark Street, Ground Floor
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Contact and Clinic Hours

Appointments are available on the following days each week. Please call the landline at 773.506.8971 or email at to schedule.

Sunday: 2 – 7PM
Monday: 2 – 8PM
Tuesday: 2 – 8PM
Wednesday: 12 - 6PM
Thursday: 2 – 8PM

Some Health Issues We Treat

Entries in mental health (1)


Study Suggests a Role for Acupuncture in Schizophrenia Treatment

A UK study found that patients with schizophrenia benefited from twice weekly acupuncture treatments, in addition to their mainstream care. The study, which can be read about here, found that,

Acupuncture caused a decrease in the, “side effects of antipsychotic medication; decreased auditory, visual and tactile hallucinations; decreased anxiety and paranoia; improved sleep patterns… increased motivation including increased sex drive and ambition to further themselves in education and work; improved socialization and concentration… reduced addictive behavior in relation to alcohol and cigarettes; improved diet and weight loss; and improved exercise regimes.